
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish.

Today’s topic is pretty straightforward. What do you look at when you’re not reading or reading about books? In my case right now it’s mainly a split between crafty lifestyle blogs, food blogs, and wedding blogs. I’ll do a separate wedding blog post at some point, but for now I thought I’d split it between crafts and food. So without further ado, here are 10 blogs/websites I’m on regularly. Most of them aren’t particularly obscure or anything, but I’m always on them.


  • Oh Happy Day–This crafty blog features tons of how-to posts, free printables, and tons of ideas for parties from kids birthday bashes to any kind of adult soiree you can think of. It’s been expanded now to include a store, so you can shop for some lovely things as well.
  • ModCloth Blog–My favorite online clothing retailer also puts out a blog with features on everything from feminist issues, to health and beauty, to outfit styling, body positivity, and general goodness.
  • COLOURlovers–This isn’t a blog, but it’s a ton of fun, letting you create your own palettes and discover new colors (which you then get to name). You can also create and color patterns with said color palettes. Basically, if you like putting colors together, it’s a good way to lose a few hours. You can also turn your prints into fabric and other things.
  • A Beautiful Mess–This blog is great, featuring modern and stylish DIYs with tons of scrapbooking and other paper-related inspiration. They run two subscription boxes: Happy Mail delivers beautiful stationary and Messy Box delivers scrapbooking goods.
  • Paper & Stitch–Two words: gorgeous photography. This blog is what I imagine living in rainbow sherbet must feel like, surrounded by creamy, delicious colors. They have recipes, DIYs and crafts, design posts, and travel posts.


This next section contains blogs and websites I visit even more regularly. I am a dedicated meal planner and though I have a bunch of gorgeous cookbooks, I usually get my week’s worth of meal inspiration online. These are some of my favorite cooking and baking blogs.


  • Damn Delicious–healthy, simple meals that are quick, painless, and don’t compromise on flavor. Great for: one pan/pot meals and Asian inspired food
  • Mel’s Kitchen Cafe–hearty, family-friendly food that’s quick to prepare. Great for: meatballs! In every variety you could think of. And her Thanksgiving rolls are my favorite.
  • Dessert for Two–Your favorite desserts pared down for much smaller servings, which means you can bake your cake but not have to eat the whole thing yourself. Great for: cakes and cookies
  • Girl Versus Dough–Sometimes bread seems like the most evil thing in the world, but Stephanie sort of de-mystifies the process and then your whole house smells like bread…all the time. Great for: every type of bread (yeast, quick, sweet, savory), plus great breakfasts, desserts, and snacks
  • Tasty Kitchen–If you use the internet for recipes at all, you’ve probably heard of The Pioneer Woman (who is amazing. I have three of her cookbooks), but if you’ve ever been on her website, you may have noticed the “tasty kitchen” button. This will lead you to a compendium of recipes by some high profile food bloggers as well as some much more obscure ones. It’s low on pictures but there are tons of great recipes. Great for: when you know what you want to make, but you don’t have a recipe for it.

So this isn’t even close to an exhaustive list, but hopefully you’ll find a new blog to follow or you’ll see an old favorite on this list. And if you like this list, be sure to let me know and I can do more things like this–round ups and things.

What are your favorite cooking or lifestyle blogs? Did I pick a favorite of yours or leave one out? Let me know in the comments!

6 responses

  1. well now I know how I will be spending the rest of MY day haha! Great sites! Thanks 🙂 My TTT

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tasty Kitchen and Dessert for Two sound great. thanks for sharing.
    Lynn 😀


    1. They really are! I hope you find some new recipes


  3. Mel’s Kitchen Cafe! Damn Delicious! Tasty Kitchen! I follow a few food blogs and those are definitely some of the good ones. I wish I’m as dedicated as you though – I never meal plan and all my cooking is just on whim, haha.

    I happen to have Sally’s Baking Addiction and Food Wishes on my TTT, though. 🙂


    1. I don’t think I could ever convince my fiance to go grocery shopping with me more than once a week, so I have to plan! Plus it fits my type-A personality very well haha. Sally’s Baking Addiction is a great one! I haven’t been on there for a while. And Food Wishes is one I’ll have to check out.


  4. Great TOP TEN!
    I LOVE Food Blogs! I’m gonna have to check all of these out! 😀
    My TTT!


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